
Divorce and Taxes: How to Protect Yourself

Divorce and Taxes: How to Protest Yourself

Divorce and taxes are the important subject of our live event with Pacific Cascade Legal, a premier family law firm in Oregon and Washington. We discuss how divorce impacts joint tax liability, when there might be relief granted for separation of joint liability, and other important tax considerations when navigating divorce from your spouse.   […]

Divorce Tax Questions to Ask

Divorce and taxes

Divorce is hard enough without having to worry about taxes too.  But taxes are inevitable.  And a divorce adds a new layer of complication to tax preparation and tax planning.  No one wants to overpay their taxes as the result of a divorce. Filing Taxes After Divorce We have identified a list of common tax […]

The Significance of a Joint Tax Return

Marriage and Joint Tax Return

Filing a Joint Tax Return: What Does Married Filing Jointly Mean? Filing a joint tax return allows married taxpayers to enjoy favorable tax rates.   In other words, the total tax is usually lower on a tax return filed with the status of married filing jointly (MFJ).  The other types of filing status are single, married […]