
A Guide to IRS Tax Penalties

tax penalties

The IRS imposes civil penalties in many situations.  Penalties are meant to act as a stick to motivate the public to comply voluntarily with the tax laws.  Tax penalties may be either civil or criminal. Civil penalties are financial Criminal penalties may involve jail time   This article will focus what you need to know […]

Trust Fund Recovery Penalty

trust fund recovery penalty

The Trust Fund Recovery Penalty is a very severe set of rules that are meant to encourage voluntary compliance with our payroll tax laws. Payroll taxes includes the income tax and Federal Insurance Contributions Act (“FICA”) taxes that are withheld from every employee’s paycheck.  It also includes the employer portion of FICA.  The business pays […]

Penalties for Tax Evasion

tax evasion

A Real-Life Example of Tax Evasion. As a result of an IRS criminal investigation, a Shreveport, Louisiana business owner was sentenced on September 29, 2020.  Penalties for tax evasion included 3 years and 4 months in prison and nearly $2 million in restitution payments to the IRS. According to documents and information provided to the […]

Tax Evasion: Recent Case

Tax evasion is squarely in the sites of IRS auditors and the IRS criminal investigation division, especially as it relates to cash-based businesses.  Tax evasion is also known as tax fraud. On September 10, 2020 the United States Attorney’s Office announced the sentencing of Mr. and Mrs. Brocato in a court trial that is a […]