
Challenging a Tax Bill

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6 Ways that Work When Challenging a Tax Bill An incorrect tax bill is fairly common because of the IRS reliance on automated systems.  According to a recent report, 75% of all IRS audits are done by computers. In addition, the IRS uses computers to create substitutes for returns when returns are not filed. As a […]

Tax Returns Not Filed?

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A significant percentage of that number constitutes taxpayers who have not filed tax returns for multiple years. The IRS is beginning an initiative to target these “non-filers.” If you come into our Buckhead  – Sandy Springs CPA firm to resolve the problem of missing tax returns for you or your business, we will be sure […]

Innocent Spouse Relief

What is “Innocent Spouse Relief?” Married couples usually file a joint tax return.  They do this because joint tax returns generally offer greater tax benefits.  However, the extra benefits of the joint tax return come at the price of joint liability.  This means that either spouse is liable for the tax, whether from the filing […]

Does Bankruptcy Clear Tax Debt?

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The Basics of Bankruptcy and the IRS. Bankruptcy is one of the tools we discuss in our Atlanta CPA firm with clients who are burdened by back taxes that they cannot afford to pay.  Bankruptcy does offer tax relief, but with some critical rules and significant exceptions.  It is important that taxpayers understand how these […]

IRS Offer-in-Compromise

Making a Deal with the IRS. We assist clients of our Atlanta CPA firm with the IRS Offer-in-Compromise program.  An Offer-in-Compromise means that the IRS will accept less than the total amount of tax owed by the taxpayer to settle their tax debt. At its most basic, the Offer-in-Compromise program is a formula.  An offer […]